I've started a few blogs but sadly this is the only one I've kept up with so it really made me chuckle when I stumbled across the first post I wrote way back in 2009. I just had to post it here as I was so scared of being alone and now I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the freedom solo travel brings, I can do what I want, when I want without ever having to explain why I want to. If you're thinking about it, pick a safe destination and just do it. If I can, anyone can. Anyway here goes my first blog post, enjoy if you can :)
So will this be the craziest thing I've ever done? I'll be flying to distant lands of dim sum and sake in just over 2 weeks, 17 days exactly but who is counting down the days anyway? :D
I know these entries should be about my experiences while I'm 'in' the far east but I just couldn't help sneaking in an early entry or two as there's only so many times people want to hear how excited you are and these last few days are really dragging...I'm bored as hell lol!
Planning this trip has been such an experience that it's likely to become as much a part of the journey as the journey itself. I've learnt some really interesting things along the way but I'm suffering from total information overload and feel as if I've got the stuff coming out of my ears.
The first weeks found me DESPERATELY looking for somebody to take this trip with, boring my friends to death with plans they could never afford or have time to do and frantically leaving posts on pretty much every travel site going. People did want to go to places, it just felt like everywhere except where I was going. The few people I did meet online ended up letting me down so pretty soon I started to realise that this would be something that I'd have to do alone or not at all. It was a terrifying thought but one that didn't last long. My fear turned to excitement, I was nervous yet realised there were so many positive things that I could get from doing this alone. I'd be a whole new woman! I began to look for local people to meet online, which went really well and I've met some great people who I'm really looking forward to meeting.
Anyway, ironically as soon as I begun looking forward to travelling alone people began contacting me about the trip. I now have 2 wonderful girls to travel with, Mimi and Lina Although I can't deny I'm thankful to have them join me for most of the trip I'm going to miss being able to boast that I did my first trip alone haha!
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